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To turn your pain of being misunderstood into your divine message, you need a roadmap that helps you to align your Biz and Life with your Soul's purpose. That's exactly what my Unique Brilliance Blueprint (UBB) does... it takes the mystery out of who you really are, why you are here and how you can serve your highest purpose---for More Clients, More Money, More Life!

Like a car, you are the vehicle that needs to be aligned to safely and effectively navigate your path forward to your Soul-aligned Biz and life... now you can have the complete instruction manual to your business breakthrough and more with "your personalized Unique Brilliance Blueprint"!

Below you will find an overview of the Human Design system and the 4 phases of my Stand Out and Shine Magnetic Transformation System that make-up the core of your personalized Unique Brilliance Blueprint or UBB for short.

Unique Brilliance Blueprint Phase I. Clear Focus - Every problem is a focus problem. According to Law of Attraction, the solution is really simple... focus on what you do want and manifest it in your experience. However, when you aren't easily manifesting the clients and the Biz you love, you can know that you aren't focused upon what you really want! Put simply, there's a part of you that you can't see, hear and understand... the part of you that is aligned with your Soul's purpose! It's like trying to operate your car without the keys... or worse yet, without an engine! To get Crystal Clear on what you really want that's aligned with your Soul's purpose, then you must learn to see, hear, and understand the real, authentic Crystal Clear You!

The first step is to create an Authentically Inspired Vison by answering these two core questions:

  • Core Question #1 - Inspiration - What would I really love to be, to do, and to have?

  • Core Question #2 - Authenticity - How am I uniquely designed to serve my tribe of Ideal Clients?

To go deeper into how to answer these questions, let's take a look at each part that makes-up your vehicle (i.e., the authentic you) via the Human Design system:

Your Type/Strategy - Your natural way of being in the world. Following your type/strategy is the #1 key for you to cut through the clutter to easily attract your tribe. There are 5 Types:

  • Manifestor - A Manifestor has the energy to lead others with one of 3 Motors connected to the Throat. The Manifestor has an undefined Sacral and does not have consistent energy to work. Aura is Closed and Repelling, causing a natural friction when engaging with other people... which is why they must follow their Strategy to "Inform, then Act" to find peace in life. Emotional Theme is to move From Anger to Peace. Peace is found when the Manifestor understands their natural role to bump into others (like the cue ball on a billiards table) to catalyze others into action. Manifestors are between 8-9 percent of the population. (Note: In addition to the Sacral Center, the other three motors are: Emotions, Heart, and Root Energy Centers.)

  • Generator - A Generator has a defined Sacral Center. Strategy is to "Wait to Respond" as their Sacral (the most powerful motor in the Human Design system) "life-force" energy draws the right people and experiences toward them... propelling the Generator forward on their life path. Aura is Open and Enveloping, causing a natural connection with others that is mutually supportive (like an energetic bear hug). Emotional Theme is to move From Frustration to Satisfaction. Generators heal their frustration as they learn to honor the sounds that arise and make decisions from their Sacral center of Uh-huh, yes or Un-huh, no. Generators are approximately 35 precedent of the population.

  • Manifesting Generator (MG) - A Manifesting Generator combines the attributes of the Manifestor and the Generator in a unique way. The Manifesting Generator has both a Defined Sacral and a Motor connected to the Throat. Strategy is to "Wait to Respond, Envision, Reprocess, Inform, Act. Aura is Open and Enveloping. (Note: The MG Aura is the same as the Generator... while the MG strategy and emotional theme has Manifestor attributes as well.) Emotional Theme is From Anger and Frustration to Peace and Satisfaction. After the Manifesting Generator responds to the Sacral there is a "moment of truth" where the MG tastes the action and can change his/her mind go/no go. Once the decision is made, the MG becomes a Manifestor engaged in the action/forward momentum. The Manifesting Generator is approximately 35 percent of the population.

  • Projector - The Projector has an undefined Sacral and none of the Motor Centers are connected to the Throat. This makes a Projector a non-energy being. (Manifestor, Generator, and Manifesting Generators are energy beings.) The Projector Strategy is "Wait to Be Recognized and Invited". Aura is Focused and Absorbing, making the Projector capable of profound insight into the Other person. Emotional Theme is From Bitterness to Success. Bitterness comes from the Projector's desire to be invited and recognized by others. Once the Projector accepts their uniqueness and waits patiently, the invitation and recognition comes. The Projector is approximately 20 percent of the population.

  • Reflector - The Reflector has all 9 Energy Centers Undefined (White/not colored-in). Reflectors reflect, like mirrors, for others who they are, what they are about, and what life is about. The Reflector strategy is "Wait 28 days/lunar cycle" for major life decisions. Aura is Resistant and Sampling. Because all 9 Energy Centers take in and amplify the energy of others, Reflectors have an Aura that is like Teflon... giving them access to profound wisdom and precious knowledge into the natural rhythms of life in tune with the cycles of the moon. Emotional Theme is From Disappointment to Surprise. Disappointment comes from the Reflector's unawareness of the sensitivity of their nature. Learning to be patient for the rhythm of the moon's 28 day cycle will bring immense wisdom that will lead the Reflector to surprise in their lives. The Reflector is approximately 1 percent of the population.

Read more about Crystal's services on the Courses and Coaching Programs page.

Authority Key #2 - How you make the right decisions every time. There are 6 Authorities:

  • Emotional - "Be Emotionally Clear." Defined Emotions Center. Emotional Wave. Emotions Rule.

  • Sacral - "Follow Your Gut." Defined Sacral Center - Gut Response of Uh-Huh/Yes or Un-Huh/No. Emotions Undefined.

  • Splenic - "Instant Decisions." Only Once from the Spleen Center. Emotions and Sacral Undefined.

  • Heart - "Do What You Want." Defined Heart Connected to the Throat. Emotions, Sacral and Spleen Undefined.

  • Self - "Be True to Yourself." Defined Self/G-Center Connected to the Throat or Heart Center. Emotions, Sacral and Spleen Undefined.

  • Outer - "Access Intelligence." Crown/Mind/Throat Defined or Reflector - Wait 28 days according to the Lunar Calendar.

Profile Key #3 - 12 Profiles - How you best interact with the world.

  • 1/3 Profile - Investigating Martyr

  • 1/4 Profile - Investigating Opportunist

  • 2/4 Profile - Hermit Opportunist

  • 2/5 Profile - Hermit Heretic

  • 3/5 Profile - Martyr Heretic

  • 3/6 Profile - Martyr Role Model

  • 4/1 Profile - Opportunistic Investigator

  • 4/6 Profile - Opportunistic Role Model

  • 5/1 Profile - Heretic Investigator

  • 5/2 Profile - Heretic Hermit

  • 6/2 Profile - Role Model Hermit

  • 6/3 Profile - Role Model Martyr

Note on each Profile numbers listed above... the 1st number in your profile is conscious and the 2nd number is unconscious:

  • Line 1 – Foundation – Introspection – Overcoming Insecurity
  • Line 2 – Projector – Creativity – Outward – the natural
  • Line 3 – Adaptation – Trial and Error – Discovery
  • Line 4 – Externalization – Missionary – Some introspection
  • Line 5 – Universalization – Excellent Interpersonal Skills – Projection (others see them as they want them to be) Can influence anyone. Potential heretic
  • Line 6 – Transition. Role Model. Also spend time in line 3

Centers - 9 Energy Centers (triangles, squares, diamond) that serve as the hub for your natural energy flow. Each Energy Center is either defined (colored-in) or undefined (a white center with defined "hanging" gates) or open (a white center with no gates defined).

  • When you have a defined Energy Center, you have consistent access to the energy and unique expression of that Center through the defined gates. A defined Energy Center also means that you have a defined Channel (see below) that connects you to another defined Energy Center.

  • When you have an undefined or open Energy Center, you take in and amplify the energy of others. For example, if you have an undefined Emotions Center, then you experience the emotions of others when in their presence. In this case, you are here to gain emotional wisdom through your undefined or open Emotions Center. I call this process "sorting the laundry" or "what's mine and what's yours". With undefined or open Energy Centers, awareness is the key to moving energy through your design to the throat, which is the center for manifesting and self-expression.

    Below is a brief description of each of the 9 Energy Centers:

    • Crown - Center for Inspiration - One of the Two Pressure Centers

    • Mind/Ajna - Center for Thinking - One of Three Awareness Centers

    • Throat - Center for Expression and Manifesting

    • Self/G - Center for Love, Purpose and Direction

    • Heart - Center for Wishes and Willpower - One of Four Motor Centers

    • Emotions - Center for Feelings - One of Three Awareness Centers

    • Spleen - Center for Survival and Senses - One of Three Awareness Centers

    • Sacral - Center for Life Force and Staying Power - One of Four Motors - Sacral is the Strongest Motor in the Human Design system

    • Root - Center for Drive - One of Two Pressure Centers and One of Four Motor Centers

    Gates - When defined (colored-in), the gate (both conscious and unconscious) represents your unique voice and energy flow in your design. There are 26 possible gates in each individual Birth Chart out of 64 total gates in the Human Design system.

    Channels - When two or more defined gates connect, you have a defined (colored-in) Channel that moves energy between two energy centers. Each Channel has a unique voice. There are 36 Channels.

    Read more about Crystal's services on the Courses and Coaching Programs page.

    Unique Brilliance Blueprint Phase II. Clear the Field - While using Human Design to create your Authentically Inspired Vision, you will also need to clear your mind of limiting beliefs. This requires you to persist following a specific process to heal your core wound and give your Inner Child a safe place to express her/his emotions. I call this the "Clear the Hidden Mirror with Inner Child Healing" as any emotional triggers that you experience are pointing to a deeply-held limiting belief(s) that your Inner Child is seeking to heal and transform. This healing process is instrumental to helping you to see, hear, and understand your authentic self. As you heal your Inner Child wounds, you will link each emotional upset to an aspect of your Human Design gate, channel, center, etc. to heal yourself once and for all! That is why I say, "When you see you, your tribe will see you!!!"

    Watch Crystal's video to learn more: Finding Your Divine Message with Inner Child Healing.

    Unique Brilliance Blueprint Phase III. Clear Success Strategies - This phase is where the rubber meets the road and is about replacing your limiting beliefs with the laws of success (i.e., the Law of Attraction). As you see, feel and believe your "Authentically Inspired Vision" with phase I and heal yourself with phase II, phase III is where you use the 7 Axises of Self-Mastery to transform your pain of being unseen, unheard, and misunderstood into your divine message. In other words:

    This means that you make "The Turnaround" from Needing (outside-in) to Having (inside-out) to Balance Yourself Mind - Body - Spirit and E-motions.

    • Out of Balance Choice 1. Hiding Head in the Sand — “I don't know how”
    • Out of Balance Choice 2. Trying to Control the Outcome — “Micromanage”
    • Balanced Choice 3. Control the Way You Feel. Understand Your Authentic Self to Balance Your Mind - Body - Spirit and E-motions via Your Unique Brilliance Blueprint to allow the Universe to Support Your Manifestations.

    The truth is that you can only control the way you FEEL...Resources of Time, Money, Relationships with Others are all outcomes of how you feel. So you must learn to Be THEN Do and HAVE the Biz and Life You LOVE...

    By organizing all of the Human Design Conscious and Unconscious Gates by Astrological Symbol (the table to the right of your Human Design Birth Chart) into the 7 Axises of SElf-Mastery, you can control how you feel and find your divine message--for More Clients, More Money, More Life:

    • Axis #1 - Understand Your Life Purpose - North Node and South Node Gates

    • Axis #2 - Lead Your Tribe - Sun/Leo and Uranus/Aquarius Gates

    • Axis #3 - Empower Your Relationships - Mars/Aries and Venus/Libra Gates

    • Axis #4 - Balance of Being and Doing - Moon/Cancer and Saturn/Capricorn Gates

    • Axis #5 - Daily Service - Mercury/Virgo, Chiron, and Neptune/Pisces Gates

    • Axis #6 - Transform Your Emotional Blocks - Venus/Taurus and Pluto/Scorpio Gates

    • Axis #7 - Communicate Your Divine Message - Mercury/Gemini and Jupiter/Sagittarius Gates

    • Prepare Your Mind for Manifestation - Ground all of the 7 Axises of Self-Mastery above with your Human Design (HD) Type, Authority, Profile and Earth Gates

    VIDEOS - Subscribe to our Newsletter for videos and content, including the FIRST video in Crystal's 7 part series: "Finding Your Divine Message: Using the Life Purpose Axis to Turn Your Pain Into Your Divine Message for More Clients, More Money, and More Life!"

    Read more about Crystal's services on the Courses and Coaching Programs page.

    Also, to support my Stand Out and Shine system, I have compiled The Crystal Clear You Success Library -- a selection of books for you to gain self-mastery and ultimate life mastery. These are listed so that you may study on your own or in one of the Crystal Clear You Courses and Coaching programs. Read more about Crystal's programs on the Courses and Coaching Programs page.

    Think and Grow Rich -- Napoleon Hill

    The Science of Getting Rich -- Wallace Wattles

    As a Man Thinketh -- James Allen

    Your Invisible Power -- Genevieve Behrend

    You2 -- Price Pritchett

    The Prosperity Bible -- Various Authors

    No Less Than Greatness -- Mary Morrissey

    You Were Born Rich -- Bob Proctor

    Building Your Field of Dreams -- Mary Morrissey

    Strengths Finder 2.0 -- Tom Rath

    Good to Great -- Jim Collins

    Downloads -

    Creating a Vision Board

    Dream Template

    Personal Balanced Scorecard

    The Iceberg Effect

    Phase IV. The Crystal Clear You - Once you complete your Unique Brilliance Blueprint, you will Stand Out and Shine as the Crystal Clear YOU! This means that you will exemplify the 5 C's of the Crystal Clear YOU: Clarity of Vision, Calmness of Mind, Confidence and Belief in Yourself, Conviction in Your Dreams, and Celebration of your purpose and your path. Each part of my Unique Brilliance Blueprint is tailored to your unique divine purpose and your path.

    VIDEOS - Subscribe to our Newsletter for videos and content, including the FIRST video in Crystal's webinar: "Finding Your Divine Message: Using the Life Purpose Axis to Turn Your Pain Into Your Divine Message for More Clients, More Money, and More Life!"

    Read more about Crystal's services on the Courses and Coaching Programs page.

    By completing your personalized Unique Brilliance Blueprint through my programs, you can finally Stand Out and Shine as the Crystal Clear You for More Clients, More Money, More Life!